Advanced Sys-tek IPO GMP, Review, Price, Date & IPO Details

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Our Company was originally incorporated as ‘Advanced Spectra-Tek Private Limited, at Ahmedabad March 16, 1988 We have experience of more than 30 years in providing large and complex, measurement, control and industrial automation solutions, including but not limited to terminal automation for oil & gas industry (solutions for inter alia metering, loading, unloading, storage and distribution, for all industrial applications including for ports, airports etc.).

We are the only established Indian player in the oil and gas terminal automation market.

Our business is primarily focussed on Industrial Automation Solutions (IA Solutions) and we specialize in setting up completely automated metering systems in oil and gas terminals and upgrading existing manually operated oil and gas terminals.

we have completed over 200 installations in India and overseas.

  • Terminal Automation System
  • Liquid & Gas Fiscal Metering System
  • Diesel Exhaust Fluid System
  • Vapour Recovery System
  • Additive Injection & Blending System

We also provide anti-icing additive injection systems for aircraft jet fuel, and have also, through our Subsidiary, forayed into manufacturing diesel exhaust fluid (DEF).

Industrial Automation Solutions

We specialize in providing comprehensive automation solutions for (i) large and complex petroleum, oil and lubricants (POL) storage and distribution terminals i.e. terminal automation (TA), and (ii) other industrial automation solutions such as custody transfer metering of hydrocarbons i.e.

providing metering skids which enable precise measurement of gas flow through gas pipelines and facilitate billing. Further, we have also provided automation solutions for a liquified petroleum gas (LPG) bottling plant, and are also in the process of executing fuel farm automation projects at airports in India.

Our Control and Monitoring System integrates High Availability Redundant Computer Platforms with proprietary software to provide robust and efficient terminal automation.

Our control system for a process or plant, uses a distributed architecture, i.e. where control functions are distributed among multiple devices and are not centralised.

High Availability Redundant Computer Platform’s operation is achieved by implementing redundancy, when individual components fail. Multiple identical components (like servers, storage devices, or network connections) seamlessly takes over in case of a primary component failure, minimizing downtime and ensuring high availability.

Our industrial automation solutions comprise

POL terminal automation systems (TAS) :- a system that integrates field instrumentation using process controls for product storage, distribution, and movement operations of liquids and gases in an accurate efficient, safe, and secure manner.

POL terminal automation systems automate load authorization, blending, loading / unloading, level measurement, product reconciliation, product movement, product measurement, documentation, and reporting using terminal management software (Smart Terminal Manager – STM) which interfaces with field instruments, various sub-systems like CCTV, hydrocarbon detection, access control, pumps, end user’s ERP system, tank gauging systems etc.

Liquid and gas fiscal metering system (Metering Skids) :- –A ‘skid’ is a pre-assembled metering system that is mounted on a base platform which facilitates easy transportation and installation of the unit. These are systems designed for accurate measurement and continuous flow of large quantity of fluids or gases.

In general, these systems comprise of proving, filtration, metering & pressure reduction skids.

Additive injection and blending system :– these systems are designed to dispense exact quantity of additive into the main product.

The quantity of injection could be in terms of either parts per million (ppm) or percentage of volume of the main product.

Our software solutions for IA cover a wide range of integrated computer system solutions for networking, database management, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and embedded software.

Our services and products offering vary from small standalone software application to Plant Automation software solutions covering a spectrum of software technologies/platforms viz.

Real Time applications, web, cloud, analytics, embedded, AI/ML mobile etc. We have developed trademarked software products such as ‘AST SCADA’, ‘STM’
and ‘Asset Surveiller’ with an aim to provide our customers a comprehensive suite of software solutions for automation applications. Our software solutions are backed by our partnership with leading technology solution providers.

Objects Of Offer

  • Funding capital expenditure requirement for a. Setting up fabrication shed; and b. Purchase of solar roof tops (collectively ‘Capital Expenditure’).
  • Funding our long term working capital requirement.
  • General Corporate Purposes.

Qualitative Factors

  • Domain expertise in the Industrial Automation sector and petroleum, oil and lubricants (POL) storage and distribution terminal.
  • Long standing relationship with marquee customers anchored by strong project execution capabilities.
  • Experienced promoters and management team.
  • Track record of growth in revenue and profitability.

Comparison of accounting ratios with Listed Industry Peers

  • Honeywell Automation India Limited
  • ABB India Limited

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