Initial Public Offerings IPOs


Introduction to Primary Market. New issues market where Company/ institutions raise funds or capital from public by issuing new securities. Objective: To raise capital. Two major types of issuers of securities: Corporate Entities (Companies) Government (Central and State)  Major types of Issues in Primary Market:- – Public Issue – Preferential Issue – Rights Issue – … Read more

Chapter 12 : Mutual Fund Scheme Selection

CHAPTER 12 : MUTUAL FUND SCHEME SELECTION SCHEME SELECTION BASED ON INVESTOR NEEDS, PREFERENCES AND RISK-PROFILE 1. Investor Need: The investor may need long term appreciation in the value of his investment, or the investor may need periodic income from the investment, or the investor may be looking for an avenue to park funds and … Read more

Chapter 11 : Mutual Fund Scheme Performance

CHAPTER 11 : MUTUAL FUND SCHEME PERFORMANCE BENCHMARKS AND PERFORMANCES A credible benchmark should meet the following requirements: It should be in sync with:  the investment objective of the scheme.  asset allocation pattern.  investment strategy of the scheme. The benchmark should be calculated by an independent agency in a transparent manner, and published regularly. PRICE … Read more

Chapter 10 : Risk, Return And Performance Of Funds

CHAPTER 10 : RISK, RETURN AND PERFORMANCE OF FUNDS GENERAL RISK FACTORS These are risks that all mutual funds are exposed.  Liquidity Risk  Interest Rate Risk  Re-investment Risk  Political Risk  Economic Risk  Foreign Currency Risk  Risks associated with transactions in Units through stock exchange (s). SPECIFIC RISK FACTORS 1. Risk related to equity and equity … Read more

Chapter 9: Investor Services

CHAPTER 9: INVESTOR SERVICES NFO PROCESS Units in a mutual fund scheme are offered to investors for the first time through a New Fund Offer (NFO). The AMC decides on a scheme to take to the market. AMC prepares the SID for the NFO which is approved by the Trustees and the Board of Directors … Read more

Chapter 8: Taxation

CHAPTER 8: TAXATION Income earned by Mutual Fund Schemes As per the prevailing tax laws in India, a mutual fund’s income is exempt from income tax, since MF are constituted as trusts in India for the benefits of the unitholders. Section 10(23)(D) of the Income Tax Act exempts all the income earned by the mutual … Read more

Chapter 6: Fund Distribution & Channel Management Practices

CHAPTER 6: FUND DISTRIBUTION & CHANNEL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES The fund manager could be a mutual fund manager managing a mutual fund portfolio in line with the scheme’s investment objectives. The mutual fund distributor’s job is to assess the needs, limitations, resources and financial goals of the investor. This analysis would help the mutual fund distributor … Read more